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Ethics and Compliance

The DYWIDAG Spirit - Our ethical values as embodied in DYWIDAG's Code of Business Conduct

DYWIDAG is known all around the world as a strong business partner and supplier. Our customers like doing business with us. We deliver.  Our employees also tell us DYWIDAG is a great place to work. We respect and trust each other. That helps us deliver.  The foundation of all this is our well deserved reputation for integrity, honesty and ethical conduct in our business relationships and our workplaces. We stay true to our values. 

Our values are embodied in the DYWIDAG Spirit - our Code of Conduct. 

Like DYWIDAG, many companies now have codes of conduct or similar written standards. But to DYWIDAG, ethical behaviour and integrity are more than just words on paper. The DYWIDAG Spirit captures the essence of DYWIDAG - it is who we are and who we want to be. It's a total commitment that involves everyone working in and for DYWIDAG, in every country, every day. 

It impacts everything we do. It means we conduct our business with the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour and within the laws that govern our business but also doing it in accordance with our own policies and procedures. 

We have a zero tolerance policy for unethical conduct or breaches of the law. Our business partners and our employees are expected to report any suspected violation of the DYWIDAG Spirit or the law or our other internal policies or procedures. 

The DYWIDAG compliance hotline may be used for reporting suspected violations. Employees will not be subject to any retaliation or disciplinary action of any kind for reporting in good faith a concern or issue that may be a suspected breach of the law, the DYWIDAG Spirit, or our other internal policies or procedures. Our business partners are also encouraged to do the same. 

Tobias Entzian, Chief Compliance Officer compliance@dywidag.com