Section Title

This is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space. 1

Mega Nav 3 DK

This is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space. 3

Mega Nav 4 DK

This is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space is an example of the longest text that we would allow within this space. 4

Integrated Cable Illumination

Make your bridge a work of art.

A stay cable can not only carry the load of the superstructure, it also can be used to fix multiple colour LED’s along each cable to create a huge screen with a size of the full plane of cables!

DYWIDAG’s integrated cable illumination is designed in such a way, that the individual luminaires and all electric cables are located inside the stay pipe. Due to an optimized shape of the inner channel and the arrangement of the strands inside the stay pipe, the increase of outer diameter can be minimized so that wind loads on the cables are not enlarged significantly.

  • No negative impact on cable aerodynamics

  • No restrictions for robotic cable inspection and maintenance works

  • Great aesthecial appearance

  • Flexible spacing of LED’s


Lighting architecture with variable light shows

Wind tunnel and salt fog testing have been carried out.
