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Anti Slavery

Modern Slavery and Child Labor Policy

01. Introduction

DYWIDAG’s daily operations are built on foundation of the values, stated in DYWIDAG Spirit. We are committed to the highest of ethical standards and to ensuring that the modern-day acts of slavery, human trafficking and child labor do not enter the business and its supply chain including sub-contractors. DYWIDAG acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the legal prerequisites such as Modern Slavery Acts(UK& Canada), Private Bill 501(France), Modern Slavery Bill(Australia), California Transparency in Supply Chains Act(CA, USA),International Labour Organization Convention and others. DYWIDAG will provide transparency throughout the organization and with the suppliers of goods and services to the organization. DYWIDAG is satisfied from its own due diligence there is no evidence of any act of modern-day slavery or child labor within its own organization. DYWIDAG will not support or deal with any businesses involved in slavery, human trafficking and all forms of exploitation of children.The company has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and child labor.We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings.

02. Definitions

Modern slavery can occur in various forms, including servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.Child labor is defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential, their dignity and is harmful to both physical and mental development. The worst forms of child labor involve enslavement, separation of children from their families and exposure to hazardous conditions.International Labour Organization Convention precises child labor as work by children under the age of 12, work by children under the age of 15 that prevents school attendance and work by children under the age of 18 that is hazardous to the physical or mental health of the child.

03. How to prevent modern slavery and child labor in DYWIDAG?

All DYWIDAG’ employees have an obligation to familiarize themselves with definition of modern slavery, child labor and the entirety of the policy to help in the identification and prevention of those acts. 3We are all bound to conduct business in a manner such that the opportunity for and incidence of modern slavery and any form of child exploitation is prevented. In order to ensure that they are not taking place in our supply chains, we intend to implement the following measures:

  • Conduct risk assessments to determine which parts of our business and which of our suppliers are most at risk of modern slavery and child labor so that efforts can be focused on those areas;

  • Engage with our suppliers both to communicate them ourModern Slavery& Child Labor Policy and obtain form them the certification proving lack of those acts in their businesses(part of Suppliers’ code of conduct).

Our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and child labor must be communicated to all suppliers, contractors and business partners and reinforced as appropriate thereafter.If there are any local regulations they must be incorporated and followed in order to remain compliant.

04. Responsibility for the Policy

Ultimate responsibility for the prevention of modern slavery and child labor rests with the DYWIDAG’s leadership. The Leadership Team of DYWIDAG has overall responsibility for ensuring this policy and its implementation complies with our legal and ethical obligations.Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that DYWIDAG’s employees understand and comply with this policy and are given adequate and regular training on it and the issue of modern slavery.

05. How to report the breach of this Policy?

The Whistleblower Policy covers the means of contact along with DYWIDAG’s commitment and standards to protect the whistleblowers. Concerns about suspected modern slavery and any form of child exploitation associated with DYWIDAG or our suppliers may be reported by employees in this manner. DYWIDAG will investigate thoroughly any actual or suspected breach of this policy, or the spirit of this policy. Employees found to be in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may ultimately result in their dismissal